When I got serious about essential oils, I wanted the best quality. Young Living was the brand that became my first choice based on purity and once I got to know the company’s values and extraction procedures, my decision made. They pride themselves on offering some of the most clean and potent oils available because they care about family’s and are passionate about supporting a toxin free lifestyle. Having my essential oils be GRAS certified is important as I use my oils daily around my home for cleaning, topically for any ailment and internally for flavoring or therapeutic treatment. Gratefully, I found Young Living to meet my essential oil quality standards and my vast variety needs.
Young Living is the only distributor I have found that explains their detailed process of how they ensure to release the purest and most potent oils available. They embrace a rigorous quality control standard to ensure their products meet strict specifications. ‘Seed to Seal’ is their set of standards that ensures that every pure essential oil and Young Living product is created with conscientious Sourcing, Science, and Standards. They take this very seriously, in fact they even keep their facilities open for members to visit and become familiar with their processes and practices.
Now, quality aside, I was pleased to find that when I joined Young Living there was a whole amazing community welcoming me, of people who shared my wellness and toxin-free values and lifestyle. With facebook groups to share tips and stories, regular social and product knowledge gatherings, and even an app guide with go-to essential oil treatments for any ailment, I was well supported along my oily journey.
Since I started using my essential oils for anything and everything last year, I have not needed to use any pharmaceutical creams, pills or prescriptions. Granted, I always tried to avoid the pharmaceutical treatments even before I found oils, but I would need them sometimes for things like headaches, cold sores or infections and I hated feeling stuck without any alternative options. What a relief to find that essential oils offered an effective alternative to those harmful chemical products that fill most medicine cabinets. I quickly learned that for any need, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual- there was an oil for that. Not only did these oils become my go-to treatment for those regular ailments, but I found that the frequency of such occurrences was greatly minimized because my system was functioning better.
Using essential oils daily has been a game changer in many ways and I’m so glad I got serious about the amazing benefits before my son was born! Providing a natural and clean lifestyle is ‘essential’ for me and my family. Thanks to Young Living’s essential oils and natural products we can rest easy knowing that we have the tools to support our health and wellness.
If you and your family are interested to see what these oils can do for you, please get in touch with me here. Also, check out my next blog post for an introduction to the Young Living Premium Starter Kit! Happy oiling to you.