Highlighting my precision to exercise FORGIVENESS these past couple weeks. Lots shifting since the last Full Moon, and when life gets full, so does my mind! Inner critic becoming louder. Conscious expansion practices fall short. And then slowly, standards for myself fall short. Mmmhm, always building my relationship with compassion. In compassion, I find the space to choose that which serves me and inspires an aligned action to my mind and body wellness. It’s a practice.
Forgiveness is a beautiful thing, and it’s always my go-to when faced with external conflict. It brings such freedom, an exhale from drama. But practicing forgiveness inwardly doesn’t come as easy. As the saying goes “we are our own worst critics”. It can be a challenge to hold ourselves accountable to step up to our success and still keep our hearts soften when we don’t meet our own expectations. Choosing empowering thoughts brings both inspiration and compassion. So keep setting those goals my friends, stay aligned to your intention and most importantly, release yourself from impossible expectations.