The other day I gave a massage to someone who was in need of a little tender loving care. I was completely present to the needs of my client and stayed focused on their spoken intention for healing and on sequencing a potent treatment. I love a lot of things about giving massage, such as; making people feel awesome and rejuvenated, seeing the changes in their body and assisting them to develop greater body awareness.. And on this day in particular I had all this and more. I felt as though I had received a treatment myself when we had completed the session. I felt calm and relaxed, like I had just been meditating for days. In giving my energy and services wholeheartedly to my client, I simultaneously received joy and contentment. This is the nature of giving and receiving. Always balanced, like the Yin/Yang symbol. If you feel you need more, whatever it is- love, attention, money, etc.. try giving out that which you desire and watch it come back to you. Also notice how much more you are able to give when your are taking time in your life to receive by nurturing and feeding your spirit.